What is the difference between sleeping and trance? Dream and waking? Consciousness and free will? Conditioning and personality? Check out Drunken Boat 16’s folio on Trance Poetics and get the 411 on all this. Kristin Prevallet has curated a wide-ranging exploration of trance poetics in forms aural, visual, and written, including my poems, “Hypnogogic,” (based on a most intense waking dream state), “In Full View,” “Lucid: One Dream,” and “You Know Where You’ve Been.”
You can click on the “listen” button by each poem to hear an extra feature if you so desire. Poetry as the Fifth Element in a garden, from a visit to Portland’s wonderful Lan Su Chinese Garden accompanies “Hypnogogic.” There are background tidbits in the recordings of the other poems too. If I had realized that the recordings were going to accompany the poems, I would have made my voice sound sexier. I thought the recordings were going to go on a blog or archive somewhere else. I must have been sleeping. 🙂
Poetics of Trance