Countdown to The Beast!

971444_656648399327_1617458299_nI’m honored to be curating a reading for Beast Crawl, Oakland’s pre-eminent night of literary mayhem! On July 6th, from 5pm-6pm at the awesome Johansson Projects Gallery, Kundiman West and Manifest will join forces to create one mighty reading encompassing Comics! I Ching! Sex! Magic! Cats! and a whole lot more.
Rocking your world will be poets MG Roberts, Yume Kim, Margaret Rhee, Jose Vadi, Rex Leonowicz, Mia Malhotra, and yours truly.
Click on this link for the official deets: Join us and bring your friends!
Kundiman West and Manifest: Join Forces994145_10151699430873846_1423262310_n

Tag, We're All It!

Tag, you’re it!
The Next Big Thing!
I was tagged by MG Roberts in The Next Big Thing!
The Next Big Thing! as you may know is a multi-branching dna strand of poets twisting and tagging each other in the cybersphere about their digital and actual words as books or chaps, perhaps bound projects. It was spawned by Carol Mirakove.
The Next Big Thing questions:
What is the working title of the book?
Whiskey, Water, and White Dwarves. It’s based on a Kundiman Retreat prompt that challenged me to include Jack Daniels whiskey and the phenomenon of White Dwarves in astronomy in the same poem. So much fun!
Where did the idea come from for the book?
This book is packed with my obsessions: magicians, taiko drumming, the lion house at the SF Zoo, an imaginary meeting between the Buddha and Donald Trump, manatees, hypnogogic dreaming. It makes sense, I swear.
What genre does your book fall under?
Hybrid prose poem/flash fiction/experimental poetry/tantric meditation. Is that a recognized genre?
What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?
Someone a lot more flexible than I am. Someone who can do a backbend properly.
What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?
We are dream and we are dreaming and it’s a good thing!
How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?
I’m embarrassed to tell you how long I’ve been writing these pieces. But I’m glad they’re together in a manuscript now!
Who or what inspired you to write this book?
I’m always inspired by people and the world around me in its glorious chaos that somehow falls into place.
What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
It’s the only book where you’ll read about goldfish farming in poetry. I think that’s true.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I’m looking for a publisher. Anyone interested in taking a look at the manuscript can email me at:
My tagged writers for next Wednesday are:
Sean Labrador Y Manzano, Oliver de la Paz, Samantha Giles, Colleen Lookingbill, Lisa Buchanan, Paul Ocampo, Margaret Rhee

AWP 2013: Poetry Blooms in Boston

Thanks for stopping by to say Hi! I hope you’re having a fantastic AWP and are inspired to write, write, write when you get home and recover from the excitement.
A short hello about me: I’m a poet and book reviewer whose work can be heard on the online show, Poet As Radio. I earned my MFA from the University of San Francisco and was recently awarded a Kundiman Fellowship. My writing has appeared in Drunken Boat, Versal, EOAGH, Spiral Orb, The Collagist, Mead Magazine, Eratio, and other journals. Currently I’m working on a chapbook titled “Whiskey, Water, and White Dwarves”, as well as a series of essays on tantric meditation and poetry.
I’ll be staffing the Kundiman Booth at AWP (#408) on Saturday from 11:30am-5:30pm. Come by and we can talk poetry and play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock.
Take care, dream big, and I hope we cross paths again soon!