Thanks for stopping by to say Hi! I hope you’re having a fantastic AWP and are inspired to write, write, write when you get home and recover from the excitement.
A short hello about me: I’m a poet and book reviewer whose work can be heard on the online show, Poet As Radio. I earned my MFA from the University of San Francisco and was recently awarded a Kundiman Fellowship. My writing has appeared in Drunken Boat, Versal, EOAGH, Spiral Orb, The Collagist, Mead Magazine, Eratio, and other journals. Currently I’m working on a chapbook titled “Whiskey, Water, and White Dwarves”, as well as a series of essays on tantric meditation and poetry.
I’ll be staffing the Kundiman Booth at AWP (#408) on Saturday from 11:30am-5:30pm. Come by and we can talk poetry and play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock.
Take care, dream big, and I hope we cross paths again soon!
Tag Archives: Spiral Orb
"Love Is a Weather of Body" in Spiral Orb Four
My poem, “Love Is a Weather of Body,” is up on Spiral Orb Four, a journal of “permaculture” poetics! The editor, Eric Magrane, does a bang up job of choosing lines or fragments from each of the poems in the issue to create what he calls a “composted” opening poem that also serves as the table of contents. Very cool. He also hyperlinks the poems from within the issue which makes the reading experience a kind of diy adventure–you choose where to go next by clicking on the highlighted phrases in each poem.
It made me think of something I read recently in Jonathan Stalling’s essay on Ernest Fenollosa’s “The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry”:
“By using snapshots of dependently originating bundles, a poet, for Fenollosa, can actually mimic nature’s own infinitely interpenetrating flux while at the same time establishing conventional truths in beautiful harmonies within the patterns of language and nature itself.”
What the poet does on the level of the poem is what Magrane is doing on the level of the journal. It definitely feels connected to my poem and I’m really happy to be part of the permaculture!